Welcome to my teaching studio!
is the place to find out about flute lessons, flute classes and upcoming
studio recitals.
- September - December
- January - May
- June - August
New students will be taken into the studio at any time provided there is room in the schedule.
Lesson times will be assigned at the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of the summer. Please note that I will do my best to accommodate your schedule. However, when my schedule is full, it is much more difficult for me to assign your preferred time to you, so schedule early.
Holiday breaks: Thanksgiving weekend, Winter Break, Spring Break, Fourth of July.
Optional lessons by special arrangement during Winter Break and Spring Break.
Rates and discounts
Lessons can be 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes. Contact Dr. Cate at dr_cate@sbcglobal.net for rates.
Payment is monthly. Payment is due the last week of the current month for the upcoming month. Weekly payment only by special agreement with the instructor. Cash, check or credit cards accepted.
A 5% discount will be given for students who pay before the 1st day of the upcoming month. No discount given for credit card payments.
Your monthly tuition is a retainer that reserves your time slot in the teaching schedule. If you have your lesson in school, there will be lessons on all regular school days with the exception of field trips and testing. Every effort will be made to reschedule conflicts for another day that week.
- Lessons will be taught during the regularly scheduled time.
- If a student is late, the remaining time scheduled will be considered a complete lesson.
- If the instructor is late, student will receive a full length lesson.
- Credit will always be given if the instructor must cancel a lesson.
- There will be no make up lesson given for a missed lesson if the instructor is not notified prior to the scheduled lesson time.
- Make up lessons can be scheduled if the instructor is notified prior to the regular lesson time.
- In case of illness, or with 24 hours notice, a cancelled lesson may be made up within one week of the cancellation on a space available basis.
- Summer lessons - Student will sign up for a minimum of six (6) lessons with the option of taking as many as eight (8) to ten (10) lessons according to instructor's availability.
There will be a student recital each spring (between April and June). Information on date, location and recital fees will be given out at least a month in advance.
Lesson locations:
Naperville, Oswego, South Plainfield, Joliet, Illinois Math and Science Academy
Information on competitions and other performance opportunities are given out through the year. The major local competitions in this area are the Chicago Flute Club Competitions (Nov.) and the Society of American Musicians (Feb./Mar.) competition. There are also many concerto competitions sponsored by youth orchestras and other local symphonies. The other major performance opportunity each year is the Sherwood Festival of Flutes each January. Though not a competition, it is a great opportunity to perform, receive comment sheets and get to hear students from all over the area.